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Chords Snakes and Ladders is a fun teaching piano game for reviewing chords.  The game play is just like the original Snakes and Ladders games, but this time with a musical twist.  The cards are chords and they must be able to identify the chord before they can advance on the game board.  But watch out — there are snakes and ladders that may change your course!

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Objective: To review the basic major and minor chords





  • Major and Minor chord flashcards, cut out (cut off the label above the charts to make this more challenging)

Basic Major and Minor Piano Chords (Part 1) from (0 downloads)

  • Markers to identify the players (I use old game piece markers from old games, or you can use coins, or marshmellows, etc.)
  • Printable Snakes and Ladders game board from, write C, Cm, D, Dm, E, Em, F, G, Gm, A, Am, Bb, and Bbm in each box numerically. Repeat the chord names until all boxes are filled.


Players needed: works best with 2 or more players


Game Set-up:


Each player puts a marker at the beginning of the game board.


Game Play: 


The students are trying to get to the end of the game board first!

The players draw a chord.  They can move their marker, or game piece up to the place on the game board.  For example, if they draw the C chord image, then they need to be able to identify the chord, then move their game piece up to the C chord on the game board.

If the player’s game piece of marker lands at the bottom rung of a ladder, they can take the shortcut and climb the ladder!  The player ends up at the top of the ladder.

If the player’s game piece lands on the head of a snake, they must slide down the snake and land at the very tail end of the snake. They are set back quite a ways when this happens.

If a player lands anywhere in between the head or tail of a snake or the beginning or end of a ladder, then nothing happens.

The player who makes it past the last square wins!


Click here for more really fun games and activities for teaching piano!


Tel loves her life as a piano player, a piano teacher, and a mom. Amid piano blogging, piano teaching, and piano playing, she loves a chance to fit in a good exercise class, volunteer at her kids’ school and at her church, and go on long dates with her husband. Full bio at About Tel.