Note values are one of the most important things in music for your child to ever learn. Whether you are musically inclined or not, this is a way to teach them quickly and effectively. And you can have fun in the process!
How to teach your kids music note values in less than 10 minutes:
- Print out this note values document.
- Place the note values cheat sheet in front of them.
- Play the note values game over and over again!
The game will cause the kids to continue to check the value of each card. The more they play, the more the repetition will begin to kick in and they will intuitively begin learning the note values!
The game is super easy to play!
Teaching Kids Note Values
Make this learning into a fun and memorable activity. It will make it that much more enjoyable for them to learn their note values.
Evenly divide the cards among the group of students. Each player keeps their stack of cards face down. Each student takes a turn flipping over a card. The player that plays the note or rest of the highest value, takes all the cards and adds it to their own stack of cards.
The objective is to get all the cards in your hand.
If the highest value is tied with another player, then there is WAR! Each player that tied, flips over a card until they are able to beat out the other player and win all the cards in that round.
This game sure gets them excited as they quickly realize that whole notes are highly valued! Talk about a quick and easy way to get the students to learn and remember the note values quickly!

Tel loves her life as a piano player, a piano teacher, and a mom. Amid piano blogging, piano teaching, and piano playing, she loves a chance to fit in a good exercise class, volunteer at her kids’ school and at her church, and go on long dates with her husband. Full bio at About Tel.
this is great, thank you for the resource, I’ll be trying this out with my little students!!
Love it! Thank you!