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I wanted my kids to learn and memorize the Articles of Faith, but I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for when I was looking for flipcards or posters.  So I created my own!  I had such a great time coming up with these visuals and trying to arrange the visuals around the number to help remember which Article of Faith is about what.  I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

These also make great coloring pages for the kids!


For PDF Cards: 13-Articles-of-Faith-Cards.pdf (1641 downloads )


For Full Page PDF:  Full-Page-13-Articles-of-Faith.pdf (1037 downloads )



Tel loves her life as a piano player, a piano teacher, and a mom. Amid piano blogging, piano teaching, and piano playing, she loves a chance to fit in a good exercise class, volunteer at her kids’ school and at her church, and go on long dates with her husband. Full bio at About Tel.