Perhaps you have heard the new primary song, I Will Walk with Jesus. It’s a beautiful song and really testifies of our relationship with our Savior. As I was preparing these visuals for Singing Time, my kids kept coming and singing it! They just love it. I can’t wait to teach it to my primary kids.
I created these visuals, trying to be as concise as possible but also trying to keep the spirit of the song. I am grateful for for providing the images to these visuals.
You can also use these visuals as a flip chart for your primary!
I Will Walk with Jesus Visuals.pdf (4074 downloads )
Tel loves her life as a piano player, a piano teacher, and a mom. Amid piano blogging, piano teaching, and piano playing, she loves a chance to fit in a good exercise class, volunteer at her kids’ school and at her church, and go on long dates with her husband. Full bio at About Tel.
Thank you so much!
Thank You for creating this flip chart and sharing your talent!
Thank you, thank you. This is wonderful.
Thank you so very much for the quick and beautiful job you did on “I will walk with Jesus.”
Sincerely, Michelle
Thank you so much. These are so beautiful.
Thank you so much for your hard work. I printed them and will be dropping them off at each of our kids home since we aren’t able to meet at church yet. This is a beautiful song and I feel that even if they don’t practice the song in their home but look at the words and pictures on their wall it will bring the children peace.
That’s a wonderful idea! What a great way to continue to minister to your primary kids.
Thank you!
Thank you! I am grateful that there aren’t too many pages– saves me on ink and cardstock.
You are so welcome!
Thank you so much! I made a little book for each of the Primary kids out of your wonderful Flipchart:) Thanks again!
So glad you can use them! They were so helpful for me when I was teaching my primary kids.
I am so grateful to you for making these flip charts. I was wondering if it is possible to get a non-PDF copy? I would love to make the words a bit larger. Thanks so much!
I appreciate these beautiful pictures and words to use while I teach this song in primary. Thank you so much for putting this together and sharing it. Bless you!
I like the pictures that you attached with the Lyrics of the song. I am very grateful for sharing your talents to everyone like us – teaching songs to the primary children. Thank you and thank you!