Go, Chord, Go! Is a game that I love to play with my students because it causes them to review and know the basic major and minor chords by sight without them even realizing it! This game is a variation of Go, Fish!
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Objective: To review the basic major and minor chords
- Major and Minor chord flashcards & chord names, cut out (cut off the label above the charts to make this more challenging)
Basic Major and Minor Piano Chords (Part 1) from PianoTels.com.pdf (3581 downloads )
Basic Major and Minor Piano Chords (Part 2) from PianoTels.pdf (2108 downloads )
Players needed: works best with 2 or more players
Game Set-up:
Each player is given four cards. The rest are set in the middle of the table.
Game Play:
The students are trying to get as many matches as possible. The students follow the same rules as “Go, Fish”. The students take turns. The first player asks any other player for a card that matches a card in their hand.
For instance, if I have the C chord chart in my hand, then I can ask player #2 if they have the “C chord”. They can look in their hands to see if they have the C chord. If they do, then they must give that card to me.
If they don’t have the C chord, then they say, “Go! Chord, Go!” I then draw a card from the draw pile. Any time someone gets a match, they lay their match on the table and then they can go again.
The play continues until all the cards are used!
I love how this game causes them to review all those chords and get to know them by sight. They are constantly looking at their cards in their hands and trying to figure out which chords they are holding in their hands. It gives them a lot of repetition.
This game goes pretty quickly, so I like to play this game at the end or the beginning of a lesson.
Click here for more really fun games and activities for teaching piano!
Tel loves her life as a piano player, a piano teacher, and a mom. Amid piano blogging, piano teaching, and piano playing, she loves a chance to fit in a good exercise class, volunteer at her kids’ school and at her church, and go on long dates with her husband. Full bio at About Tel.