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Looking for the best piano toys out there for your child?  Whether your child is as young as a toddler or as old as a tween, your child will love these piano toys that will get them playing their very own music in no time!


Giant Keyboard Play Mat

Cost: $59.99   

Rating: 4.5 stars 

Best for: ages 2 – 10

Buy the Giant Keyboard  

This piano is a great investment!  Its fabulous for getting your child up close and personal with the keyboard.  As a piano teacher, I can tell you that the more movement involved in learning something, the more your child’s memory and brain can connect with discovered thoughts!  So as they move their bodies up and down the keyboard, stepping on keys as they go, they will learn music through this discovery process.

This keyboard has 24 keys.  Your child can learn how to make out tunes as they step up and down, or use their hands.

One of my favorite things to do with kids on this giant keyboard is to have them step up and down the keys.  See if they can tell the difference between stepping up and down on the white keys.  Then have them step up and down using both the white keys and the black keys.  Then have them skip a key.  They can begin to learn the correlation of keys, the sounds that happen when they play certain keys with other keys.

You can also have them explore intervals and even chords!

This keyboard can be rolled up and stored away.  I would suggest only using socks on this to help keep it nice.  This keyboard has lasted for 2 years with a lot of kids playing on it and it is still working great!

You may want some easy music to have them begin playing with after they have explored around for a bit.  You can begin with these, easy sheet music and helpful links:


Features of the Giant Keyboard Play Mat:

  • 24 keys
  • Play, record, demo modes
  • Can be plugged into an external device so it can play MP3s
  • Auto shut-off
  • Foldable for easy storage
  • Needs 4 AA batteries (not included)

Buy the Giant Keyboard  



Roll up Piano Keyboard

Cost: $53.99   

Rating: 4 stars 

Best for: Ages 3 – 12

Buy the Roll Up Piano

This roll up piano is so handy, that you may need more than one!  It rolls right up and is perfect for traveling.  The kids like to roll them out, play them, then roll them up and take them with them wherever they go.

I like these for when students go out of town — so they don’t have excuses not to practice!

As a toy though, it is a fabulous way to introduce your child to the piano.  They can explore the sounds that occur when you go up and down the piano, play with multiple fingers, and play with both hands.

It does begin to lose its tonality when you play more than 3 notes at a time.  So it is best played with beginners.

Probably my favorite feature of this roll up piano is that it has a midi hook-up!  This is SUPER cool to have with a roll up piano like this!  This means that you can hook it up to the many online learning options you have available.  I have done a LOT of research with online piano lessons and tried many of them out.  My kids have explored them too!  This is what I would recommend for online piano learning and especially would highly recommend you do with this roll up piano!

Note that this does not come with a midi cord, but you can purchase a midi cord here.

Having 61 keys is fabulous!  There are other versions that are cheaper with 37 keys — which would be sufficient for a beginner pianist, but would not be quite as long lasting as the 61 key version.  The cheaper version just isn’t as upgraded, with less quality and less features, but would still be a good buy.

As mentioned with the giant floor keyboard, you may want some easy music to have them begin playing with after they have explored around for a bit.  You can begin with these, easy sheet music and helpful links until you get going on an online program if you choose to do so:


Features of the Roll up Piano:

  • 128 tones (what this means is that it has 128 different tones, or notes in music, that it can play)
  • 100 different rhythms for your kiddo to jam out on — fun to have as an accompaniment to their playing.  This is probably my kids’ favorite feature.
  • 40 demo songs, probably my kids’ 2nd favorite feature since it is fun to dance and play around to the songs

Buy the Roll Up Piano



37 Key Piano Set Up

Cost:  $53.99

Rating: 4 star

Best for: ages 2 – 7

Buy Piano Set Up

This is the full set up for your child!  They can sit at the piano and officially jam out.  With a microphone to sing into, a piano to play, and percussion to boot, you have it all with this little set up.

You can play 8 different sounds and even record and playback your music.

Your child can certainly get a taste of making their own music as they play around on this.  I couldn’t find the exact one that my daughter used to play with, but this was pretty similar.

She would play on it for hours as a kid and would love to try out all the variations of sounds as she played with it.

This is a toy that your child can simply just play and enjoy.  Isn’t designed for playing very seriously, so while you can play some simple tunes like Mary Had a Little Lamb, Happy Birthday, etc, this isn’t the toy you would want for actually learning to play sheet music.

It is designed for fun and exploration of music and this toy will certainly do just that!


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Tel loves her life as a piano player, a piano teacher, and a mom. Amid piano blogging, piano teaching, and piano playing, she loves a chance to fit in a good exercise class, volunteer at her kids’ school and at her church, and go on long dates with her husband. Full bio at About Tel.