Listening Map for William Tell Overture (Rossini)
William Tell Overture is well-known for its fast-paced and exciting melody. Here is a listening map that will help guide you and your students through the song. You will notice that this song has a lot of little mini repeats. Rossini takes a phrase and repeats it...

What Does “A Tempo” Mean in Music?
You ran into a word in your music and you aren't quite sure what it means? Don't worry, you aren't the first one to wonder and you won't be the last! After all, unless you speak Italian, you can't expect to know all of the little words you may find written in the...

Where is Thumbkin (Finger 1)? | Free Piano Learning Activity
Level: Primer to beginner Objective: To help learn finger numbers and to strengthen finger muscles and independence. The hands also develop the curved finger hand position used in playing the piano. Materials: A small ball or...

The Staff | Music Theory for Kids
The staff is the very basic of written music theory. Once you know about the staff, you can learn practically anything from there! All those lines and squiggles can seem daunting, but here is a way that even a three year old can understand. Print out your own treble...

Learn Treble & Bass Clef Lines & Spaces | Easy Music Theory
One of the best (and fun) ways to remember the musical staff is to use your own hand! When my kids (even my preschooler) can name off all of the treble and bass clef lines and spaces, you know its full proof! But what makes this so much easier to remember and why...

The Best Piano for Beginners
If you are a beginner, or if you have a child who wants to play piano, you will want to make sure you are starting out with the right equipment! Having an upright piano, a baby grand, and a digital piano all at the same time, I have some experience with all of them...

Best Piano Sheet Music
There is nothing better than having some new sheet music to just dive into and start playing! Nothing seems to help with practicing as much as a new, exciting song to play. I have taught piano for years and years and the trick to getting a student "going again" is...

Do You Need a Piano for Piano Lessons?
Looking into taking piano lessons or having a child take piano lessons? Well, congratulations! Taking piano lessons can be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. Do you need a piano for piano lessons? You do need to have access to a piano if you want to...

What Does a C With a Line Through It Mean In Music?
You may have pulled out some music, only to find a weird line through the middle of a large C right at the beginning where the time signature sits. What does a C with a line through it mean in music? In music, a C with a line through it is most often called "cut...

21 Fun Ways to Practice Piano
Practicing the piano can get a little drab. That's why you want to change things up a bit to get some good, fun, practice. This is a list to help you approach your practices a little differently. 21 Fun Ways to Practice Piano Practice your song...

Hi! I am Tel. I have been teaching piano for 17 years and I created this website to create the resource I always wished I had. I hope you find it helpful!
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